Guild Wars 2 Armor Gallery

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<< Human/♀/Heavy
PvP Banded Pauldrons
Ravaging Banded Pauldrons of Infiltration
Berserker's Banded Pauldrons of Balthazar
Strong Banded Pauldrons of Grenth
Rampager's Banded Pauldrons of Grenth
Banded Pauldrons of the Dolyak
Honed Banded Pauldrons of the Citadel
Cleric's Banded Pauldrons of Rata Sum
Carrion Banded Pauldrons of the Dolyak
Cleric's Banded Pauldrons of the Traveler
Shaman's Banded Pauldrons of Rage
Rampager's Banded Pauldrons of the Lich
Banded Pauldrons of the Citadel
Rampager's Banded Pauldrons of the Eagle
Cleric's Banded Pauldrons of Infiltration
Shaman's Banded Pauldrons of Dwayna
Berserker's Banded Pauldrons of Infiltration
Rampager's Banded Pauldrons of the Flame Legion
Carrion Banded Pauldrons of Strength
Banded Pauldrons of Lyssa
Berserker's Banded Pauldrons of Mercy
Shaman's Banded Pauldrons of Dwayna
Carrion Banded Pauldrons of the Citadel
Carrion Banded Pauldrons of Strength
Rabid Banded Pauldrons
Banded Pauldrons
Magi's Banded Pauldrons
Soldier's Banded Pauldrons
Cavalier's Banded Pauldrons
Sentinel's Banded Pauldrons of Dwayna
Settler's Banded Pauldrons of Dwayna
Dire Banded Pauldrons of the Dolyak
Dire Banded Pauldrons of the Citadel
Dire Banded Pauldrons of Lyssa
Honed Banded Pauldrons of the Citadel
Sentinel's Banded Pauldrons of Dwayna
Settler's Banded Pauldrons of Dwayna
PvP Banded Legs
Ravaging Banded Legs of Infiltration
Berserker's Banded Legs of Hoelbrak
Carrion Banded Legs of Vampirism
Berserker's Banded Legs of Hoelbrak
Carrion Banded Legs of the Afflicted
Banded Legs of Balthazar
Rampager's Banded Legs of the Dolyak
Shaman's Banded Legs of the Traveler
Carrion Banded Legs of the Flame Legion
Strong Banded Legs of Divinity
Carrion Banded Legs of Mercy
Rampager's Banded Legs of the Afflicted
Banded Legs of Grenth
Honed Banded Legs of the Traveler
Banded Legs of the Flock
Rampager's Banded Legs of the Eagle
Cleric's Banded Legs of Mercy
Berserker's Banded Legs of Lyssa
Shaman's Banded Legs of Divinity
Rampager's Banded Legs of the Grove
Shaman's Banded Legs of Strength
Cleric's Banded Legs of Hoelbrak
Cleric's Banded Legs of Hoelbrak
Magi's Banded Legs
Rabid Banded Legs
Banded Legs
Cavalier's Banded Legs
Soldier's Banded Legs
Sentinel's Banded Legs of Strength
Settler's Banded Legs of Strength
Dire Banded Legs of Grenth
Dire Banded Legs of Balthazar
Dire Banded Legs of the Flock
Sentinel's Banded Legs of Strength
Settler's Banded Legs of Strength
PvP Banded Helm
PvP Banded Helm
Cleric's Banded Helm of Rage
Ravaging Banded Helm of Vampirism
Carrion Banded Helm of Infiltration
Rampager's Banded Helm of Scavenging
Berserker's Banded Helm of the Afflicted
Honed Banded Helm of the Traveler
Rampager's Banded Helm of Strength
Rampager's Banded Helm of Rata Sum
Cleric's Banded Helm of the Lich
Carrion Banded Helm of the Traveler
Berserker's Banded Helm of Balthazar
Banded Helm of the Traveler
Carrion Banded Helm of Hoelbrak
Cleric's Banded Helm of Infiltration
Shaman's Banded Helm of Hoelbrak
Shaman's Banded Helm of the Grove
Carrion Banded Helm of Mercy
Banded Helm of Scavenging
Shaman's Banded Helm of the Eagle
Rampager's Banded Helm of Rata Sum
Strong Banded Helm of Balthazar
Berserker's Banded Helm of Infiltration
Banded Helm of Grenth
Cavalier's Banded Helm
Magi's Banded Helm
Banded Helm
Rabid Banded Helm
Soldier's Banded Helm
Sentinel's Banded Helm of the Grove
Settler's Banded Helm of the Grove
Dire Banded Helm of Scavenging
Dire Banded Helm of the Traveler
Dire Banded Helm of Grenth
Honed Banded Helm of the Traveler
Sentinel's Banded Helm of the Grove
Settler's Banded Helm of the Grove
PvP Banded Gauntlets
PvP Banded Gauntlets
Banded Gauntlets of Balthazar
Carrion Banded Gauntlets of Strength
Strong Banded Gauntlets of Lyssa
Rampager's Banded Gauntlets of the Traveler
Rampager's Banded Gauntlets of the Afflicted
Berserker's Banded Gauntlets of the Lich
Berserker's Banded Gauntlets of Infiltration
Berserker's Banded Gauntlets of the Eagle
Carrion Banded Gauntlets of the Citadel
Ravaging Banded Gauntlets of Lyssa
Rampager's Banded Gauntlets of Divinity
Banded Gauntlets of the Grove
Shaman's Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
Shaman's Banded Gauntlets of Melandru
Cleric's Banded Gauntlets of Balthazar
Honed Banded Gauntlets of the Dolyak
Rampager's Banded Gauntlets of the Centaur
Shaman's Banded Gauntlets of the Eagle
Carrion Banded Gauntlets of the Citadel
Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
Cleric's Banded Gauntlets of Mercy
Carrion Banded Gauntlets of Grenth
Cleric's Banded Gauntlets of Mercy
Rabid Banded Gauntlets
Soldier's Banded Gauntlets
Magi's Banded Gauntlets
Banded Gauntlets
Cavalier's Banded Gauntlets
Sentinel's Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
Settler's Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
Dire Banded Gauntlets of Balthazar
Dire Banded Gauntlets of the Grove
Dire Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
Sentinel's Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
Settler's Banded Gauntlets of the Flock
PvP Banded Coat
Rampager's Banded Coat of Dwayna
Banded Coat of Strength
Rampager's Banded Coat of Lyssa
Carrion Banded Coat of Mercy
Shaman's Banded Coat of Melandru
Cleric's Banded Coat of Rage
Berserker's Banded Coat of Grenth
Berserker's Banded Coat of the Eagle
Cleric's Banded Coat of Strength
Carrion Banded Coat of the Grove
Strong Banded Coat of Mercy
Shaman's Banded Coat of Lyssa
Banded Coat of Strength
Carrion Banded Coat of Strength
Shaman's Banded Coat of Lyssa
Honed Banded Coat of the Flame Legion
Berserker's Banded Coat of the Lich
Cleric's Banded Coat of Grenth
Carrion Banded Coat of Hoelbrak
Rampager's Banded Coat of Dwayna
Rampager's Banded Coat of Infiltration
Ravaging Banded Coat of the Eagle
Banded Coat of Lyssa
Magi's Banded Coat
Rabid Banded Coat
Cavalier's Banded Coat
Banded Coat
Soldier's Banded Coat
Sentinel's Banded Coat of Lyssa
Dire Banded Coat of Strength
Dire Banded Coat of Strength
Dire Banded Coat of Lyssa
Honed Banded Coat of the Flame Legion
Settler's Banded Coat of Lyssa
Sentinel's Banded Coat of Lyssa
Settler's Banded Coat of Lyssa
PvP Banded Greaves
PvP Banded Greaves
Strong Banded Greaves of the Dolyak
Berserker's Banded Greaves of the Lich
Berserker's Banded Greaves of the Eagle
Berserker's Banded Greaves of Hoelbrak
Honed Banded Greaves of Divinity
Rampager's Banded Greaves of Hoelbrak
Cleric's Banded Greaves of Rata Sum
Rampager's Banded Greaves of Lyssa
Shaman's Banded Greaves of Mercy
Cleric's Banded Greaves of Lyssa
Rampager's Banded Greaves of the Pack
Shaman's Banded Greaves of the Eagle
Banded Greaves of the Citadel
Ravaging Banded Greaves of Balthazar
Carrion Banded Greaves of the Flock
Carrion Banded Greaves of the Traveler
Cleric's Banded Greaves of the Pack
Rampager's Banded Greaves of Balthazar
Carrion Banded Greaves of Strength
Banded Greaves of the Afflicted
Carrion Banded Greaves of the Flame Legion
Banded Greaves of Melandru
Shaman's Banded Greaves of the Eagle
Soldier's Banded Greaves
Cavalier's Banded Greaves
Rabid Banded Greaves
Magi's Banded Greaves
Banded Greaves
Sentinel's Banded Greaves of the Eagle
Settler's Banded Greaves of the Eagle
Dire Banded Greaves of the Afflicted
Dire Banded Greaves of the Citadel
Dire Banded Greaves of Melandru
Sentinel's Banded Greaves of the Eagle
Settler's Banded Greaves of the Eagle