Guild Wars 2 Armor Gallery

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<< Asura/♂/Heavy
PvP Scale Coat
Vigorous Scale Coat
Scale Coat
Honed Scale Coat
Strong Scale Coat
Hearty Scale Coat
Ravaging Scale Coat
Rejuvenating Scale Coat
Hunter's Scale Coat
Slayer's Armor
Scale Hauberk
Scale Hauberk
Vigorous Scale Coat
Strong Scale Coat
Honed Scale Coat
Hearty Scale Coat
Scale Coat
Ravaging Scale Coat
Rejuvenating Scale Coat
Giver's Scale Coat
Hunter's Scale Coat
Scale Hauberk
PvP Scale Boots
Strong Scale Boots
Honed Scale Boots
Vigorous Scale Boots
Scale Boots
Ravaging Scale Boots
Hearty Scale Boots
Rejuvenating Scale Boots
Hunter's Scale Boots
Stalwart's Greaves
Vigorous Scale Boots
Scale Boots
Strong Scale Boots
Honed Scale Boots
Hearty Scale Boots
Ravaging Scale Boots
Rejuvenating Scale Boots
Giver's Scale Boots
Hunter's Scale Boots
PvP Scale Gauntlets
Stalwart's Gauntlets
Stalwart's Gauntlets
Honed Scale Gauntlets
Vigorous Scale Gauntlets
Scale Gauntlets
Strong Scale Gauntlets
Ravaging Scale Gauntlets
Hearty Scale Gauntlets
Rejuvenating Scale Gauntlets
Hunter's Scale Gauntlets
Scale Gauntlets
Stalwart's Gauntlets
Vigorous Scale Gauntlets
Strong Scale Gauntlets
Hearty Scale Gauntlets
Scale Gauntlets
Honed Scale Gauntlets
Ravaging Scale Gauntlets
Rejuvenating Scale Gauntlets
Giver's Scale Gauntlets
Hunter's Scale Gauntlets
Scale Gauntlets
PvP Scale Legs
Vigorous Scale Legs
Strong Scale Legs
Scale Legs
Honed Scale Legs
Hearty Scale Legs
Ravaging Scale Legs
Rejuvenating Scale Legs
Hunter's Scale Legs
Stalwart's Chausses
Scale Legplates
Stalwart's Chausses
Honed Scale Legs
Strong Scale Legs
Hearty Scale Legs
Vigorous Scale Legs
Scale Legs
Ravaging Scale Legs
Rejuvenating Scale Legs
Giver's Scale Legs
Hunter's Scale Legs
PvP Scale Helm
Strong Scale Helm
Vigorous Scale Helm
Honed Scale Helm
Scale Helm
Hearty Scale Helm
Ravaging Scale Helm
Rejuvenating Scale Helm
Hunter's Scale Helm
Scale Helm
Strong Scale Helm
Honed Scale Helm
Scale Helm
Hearty Scale Helm
Ravaging Scale Helm
Vigorous Scale Helm
Rejuvenating Scale Helm
Giver's Scale Helm
Hunter's Scale Helm
Spangenhelm of the Warrior
PvP Scale Pauldrons
Strong Scale Pauldrons
Hearty Scale Pauldrons
Vigorous Scale Pauldrons
Scale Pauldrons
Honed Scale Pauldrons
Ravaging Scale Pauldrons
Rejuvenating Scale Pauldrons
Hunter's Scale Pauldrons
Hearty Scale Pauldrons
Ravaging Scale Pauldrons
Strong Scale Pauldrons
Scale Shoulders
Hearty Scale Pauldrons
Honed Scale Pauldrons
Vigorous Scale Pauldrons
Scale Pauldrons
Strong Scale Pauldrons
Ravaging Scale Pauldrons
Rejuvenating Scale Pauldrons
Giver's Scale Pauldrons
Hunter's Scale Pauldrons
Scale Pauldrons